New Moon Grief Work

Welcome to New Moon Grief Work. My name is AJ (they/them) and I am a transformative grief worker. I accompany people through significant life transitions, especially death, divorce, and abortion. I help my clients and community cross thresholds from one ending to a new beginning. My practice is unapologetically queer, grounded in radical activism, and strives to help us all break free from the alienation that separates us from our grief and each other.

I am excited and honored to walk this journey with you. Here is an overview of the services I provide
Death. As a death doula I journey beside a dying person and their family during their end-of-life transition. These services include legacy and end-of-life planning, sitting vigil and providing care and comfort during the dying process, planning and conducting memorials and ceremonies. Read more about my death doula work here.
Divorce. As a divorce doula, I accompany an individual through the divorce process as an emotional support. Divorce is a huge process, full of many logistical and legal decisions that can have a lasting impact on you and your loved ones. In order to empower you to make the best decisions for yourself with a clear mind and heart, I provide a separate container for emotional support and processing. I provide both remote and in-person services for my divorce work. Read more about my divorce doula work here.
Abortion. As an abortion doula, I provide emotional, logistical, and non-medical somatic support to empower individuals having an abortion. I provide a judgment-free space to process grief, joy, ambivalence, fear, and any other emotions that may come with your abortion, always cheering you on. Read more about my abortion doula services here.
Additional Grief Support. I also provide dedicated grief support to those who are grieving in other ways. This can be one-on-one support, group work, or workshops. Topics include the loss of a beloved, climate grief, caregiver grief, breakups and relationship restructuring, and pet loss. Read more about my additional grief support here.